The turnkey solutions for industrial plants


Planning. Approval. Construction.
The cooperation for your plant.

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We're here to help

Porträt von Harald Möllenkamp, Leiter Elektro-Projektierung und Verfahrenstechnik, Prokurist von PCR-Engineering
Harald Möllenkamp
Head of electrical project planning, process technology
Kay Hinners Ramm Ingenieure
Kay Hinners
Porträt von Dirk Hörnschemeyer, Prokurist und Vertriebsleiter bei Purplan und PCR-Anlagenbau.
Dirk Hörnschemeyer
Sales Manager
Große, hellblaue Anführungszeichen, die ein Zitat oder eine Aussage symbolisieren.

The new interconnection of our management brings our companies even closer together and strengthens their joint position as reliable partners in the fields of immission control, plant design and industrial construction.

Große, hellblaue Anführungszeichen, die ein Zitat oder eine Aussage symbolisieren.
Collage von Industrieanlagen, technische Zeichnungen und Architekturentwürfen, die Engineering und Planung darstellen.

The cooperation for
your system

All from one source

Kreislaufdiagramm mit den Phasen eines Projekts, die Nachhaltigkeitsmöglichkeiten bieten: Baugenehmigung, Anlagenplanung und Grundplanung, Detailplanung und Anlagenbau, Inbetriebnahme, Wartung/Service, und Demontage/Recycling.
Chancen Nachhaltigkeit, Gehnemigung, Anlagenplanung Basic Engineering, Detail Engineering, Inbetriebnahme Wartung/Service, Rückbau/Recycling



Phase 1

Plant Design

Conception of a completely sustainable and functional industrial plant. We achieve this with our portfolio of concept planning, basic engineering, detail engineering and comprehensive project management.

Phase 2.2

Authorisation Planning

We prepare the necessary authorisation documents for your facilities, including all specialist reports. Our experts for authorisation procedures in the environmental sector are highly familiar with all necessary official requirements.

Phase 4


We support you to ensure the smooth commissioning of your new systems. Our competent contact person will be at your side throughout the whole process.

Phase 6

Dismantling & Recycling

If you have a new vision, we will dismantle your system and meet you again in phase 1. Throughout the dismantling process, we attach great importance to protecting our environment and make sure to dispose of all materials professionally. By the way: PURPLAN also builds recycling plants for various plastics. This allows you to benefit from the advantages of the circular economy.

Vertikaler Zeitstrahl mit mehreren Markierungspunkten für verschiedene Phasen eines Projekts.

Phase 2.1

Industrial Construction Planning

We develop the perfect building for your facilities, providing all planning services from first draft to handing over the keys. We prepare building applications ready for approval and supervise the realisation right through to final building approval.

Phase 3


Whether pilot plant, simple mixing station, tank farm, reaction and supply systems or entire production plants: we realise your project with guaranteed process reliability and convenient user interfaces. New: Slurry mixing and process skids for battery technology.

Phase 5


We won‘t leave you on your own afterwards either. Thanks to our comprehensive range of maintenance and servicing packages, a regular maintenance schedule ensures smooth operation, while our training courses will keep your employees up to date. Our additional service of risk-based maintenance will help you significantly reduce your maintenance costs in the long term.

Phase 1
Plant Design

Conception of a completely sustainable and functional industrial plant. We achieve this with our portfolio of concept planning, basic engineering, detail engineering and comprehensive project management.

Phase 2.1
Industrial Construction Planning

We develop the perfect building for your facilities, providing all planning services from first draft to handing over the keys. We prepare building applications ready for approval and supervise the realisation right through to final building approval.

Phase 2.2
Authorisation Planning

We prepare the necessary authorisation documents for your facilities, including all specialist reports. Our experts for authorisation procedures in the environmental sector are highly familiar with all necessary official requirements.

Phase 3

Whether pilot plant, simple mixing station, tank farm, reaction and supply systems or entire production plants: we realise your project with guaranteed process reliability and convenient user interfaces. New: Slurry mixing and processskids for battery technology.

Phase 4

We support you to ensure the smooth commissioning of your new systems. Our competent contact person will be at your side throughout the whole process.

Phase 5

We won‘t leave you on your own afterwards either. Thanks to our comprehensive range of maintenance and servicing packages, a regular maintenance schedule ensures smooth operation, while our training courses will keep your employees up to date. Our additional service of risk-based maintenance will help you significantly reduce your maintenance costs in the long term.

Phase 6
Dismantling & Recycling

If you have a new vision, we will dismantle your system and meet you again in phase 1. Throughout the dismantling process, we attach great importance to protecting our environment and make sure to dispose of all materials professionally. By the way: PURPLAN also builds recycling plants for various plastics. This allows you to benefit from the advantages of the circular economy.
+49 (0) 5407 8177- 250

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